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To know what is your style as an interior designer? It's essential!

Our home is said to be a reflection of our soul. But what if your personality as the interior designer is also reflected in the house you are designing? This is something every interior designer should consider: the significance of showcasing your style, creativity, and personality. Many beginner interior designers make the mistake of trying too hard to cater to their client's preferences without expressing their uniqueness. I've made this mistake myself as well. However, why is this so important? Well, I've summarized a few points to explain why having your own style as an interior designer is important.

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Photo by Wix

1. Finding your style

Finding your voice in interior design is essential. As beginners, we often try to reproduce the style of others or to meet the expectations of our clients. However, this often results in losing ourselves during projects and ultimately creating interiors that lack uniqueness and a personal voice. But don't despair, finding your style is not an overnight thing. Rather, it's a process of gradually shaping and refining how we want to see the world in the homes we design.

2. Mistakes made as a beginner

One of the most common mistakes we make as beginners is to over-adapt to our clients' tastes. Of course, it is important to take needs and preferences into account, but if we focus only on these, we can easily lose our creativity and uniqueness. It is not uncommon for a beginner interior designer to start compromising to satisfy the client to the maximum, but this can sometimes hinder professional development and the development of an independent style.

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Photo by Wix

3. The key: self-expression

As I have heard many times from experienced interior designers, self-expression is the key to success! Why is that? Well, people generally like professionals who dare to be different and have a unique, personal style. Not only does this make our work more exciting, but it also sets us apart from other interior designers in the market.

4. New approaches

How can we use our style to get clients? Well, that's where creativity and humor come in. It's important to emphasize not only our professionalism and creativity but also how different we are in the industry. A well-placed humorous comment or a unique style of marketing material can attract much more attention than the usual, template offerings. How we communicate with our clients is also important. Expressing our unique style can be reflected not only in our work but also in our online presence, for example through unique blog posts or social media posts.

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Photo by Bata Tamás

5. Practical advice

Practical advice always comes in handy, right? Here are some tips on how to make your clients appreciate your style:

  • Know yourself: be aware of what inspires and motivates you.

  • Examine your work: Review your past projects and look for the elements that characterize your style.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment: creativity and style development should be a constant presence in our everyday lives. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things.

  • Build relationships.

So developing and expressing your style is essential for a successful career in interior design. Expressing yourself not only makes your work more exciting, it also helps you stand out from the competition and attract clients. Remember that humor and creativity always come in handy to differentiate yourself from others in the market. So dare to be unique and make the most of your style!


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